Board of Health Minutes 12/7/09

Date:  December 7, 2009
Present:  John Makuc and Stephen Enoch
Also Present for Parts of the Meeting: Peter Chait and Charles Ferris, attorney for Mr. Small (7 Buckingham Lane)

The meeting began at 3:35pm
1.  The minutes from 11.16.09 were approved as written.
2.  Peter Chait came in to complain about an abutter’s property and the smell coming from their septic or leaching field (7 Buckingham Lane) after the homeowner’s have been up for the weekend.  He also stated that the property is very wet.  Peter Kolodziej made a site visit in November and had determined that the oily residue present was due to decaying organic matter that became more apparent due to the lake drawdown.  Mr. Chait asked if there was ever a Title V performed on the property (the Board of Health doesn’t have any copies of a Title V report).  Mr. Chait asked if there was any way for the Board of Health to require that a test be performed.  It was questioned if the leaching field is failing and possibly leaching into the lake.  The only records available in the health file were pumping records which indicated that the tank itself seemed to be in good shape (it was noted that the pumpings were performed more frequently than usually recommended).  The Board agreed to ask Peter Kolodziej to make another site visit when he returns on Wednesday.  Mr. Chait stated that the caretaker for the property in question has mentioned to him that the property seems more wet than usual.  Pictures and notes from Chris Blair’s visit (Conservation Commission) were provided to the Board and Mr. Ferris also requested a copy.  Mr. Ferris asked that the Board take into consideration that this septic system is used infrequently by 2 people.
3.  The Board reviewed an appeal from a person aggrieved for the ZBA and provided their comments.  Mr. Ferris gave a history of the property and the reason for this appeal.  The Building Inspector is stating that there was an enlargement of a pre-existing non-conforming structure and the placement of a hot tub without the proper permits.  These violations occurred 5 – 5 ½ years ago and has recently resurfaced due to a dispute with an abutter.  After reviewing the project the Board determined that the hot tub nor any of its components (i.e. walls) none of it fell within their jurisdiction.
4.  The Board reviewed additional documents submitted for 100 Fairview Rd.  There was a septic permit issued earlier that had a condition on it that it was approved without the proposed addition as confirmed in a letter from the owner’s engineer.  The Karson’s have since decided to go forth with the addition and requested that the special condition be removed.  The new permit will have a condition that the home/capacity of the system can not exceed 4 bedrooms.
5.  Plans to replace a failing leaching field at 84 Beartown Mtn. Rd were reviewed.  The Board didn’t see any issues with the plans but asked that Peter Kolodziej review the plans when he returns on Wednesday.

The meeting adjourned at 4:33pm

Submitted by
Melissa Noe
Inter-Departmental Secretary